The ramblings of Mrs. Smith as she shops, decorates and anything else she deems funny!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wow, what a busy week. I had my first boutique show Wednesday night and sold 6 tea towels! Not bad for a first timer. Thursday I promised myself that I would clean up the house-since my sewing, craft, etc. is all over the place. Mr. Smith is out of town so I thought it would be a nice surprise but that only lasted (the clean house) yesterday. Today out came the sewing machine again, this time to work on a friend's baby shower on Sunday. So things don't look so different at home. Oh well, tonight I have to sell nuts with my daughter's(aka Drama Queen) brownie troop.

I thought I would show you a picture of my table at the boutique-just ignore the blue bin-we were still setting up. The cute ladder is the gal next to me(also a Smith).

1 comment:

  1. I guess as long as Mr. Smith's (me) office is a mess and nobody is scheduled to visit, it doesn't really matter how clean The Smith Hotel is. Cute stuff - 92 is our wedding year - eh?


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